Mr. Jimmy Kirby, Asst. City Marshal, oversees the City of Vidalia dilapidated housing program. This program facilitates the efficient and cost-effective removal of vacant dilapidated structures, or vacant structures in a state of disrepair. The process would include the following:
- The structure would be determined if it meets the threshold of being dilapidated, unsafe, or otherwise used for illegal activities.
- The ownership of the property and/or structure would be determined.
- The owner will be notified and the Asst. City Marshal will work with owner to ensure the property is repaired, secured, or demolished. The City has in place a program to assist property owners who meet income criteria, assistance with the cost of demolition.
The benefits of this program with the removal of dilapidated structures improves the value of adjacent properties.
If you have any questions or concerns about dilapidated structures within the city limits of Vidalia, please contact Jimmy Kirby at (912) 537-7661.