Promoting The Historic District & Our Community
Historic Main Street is the center of community activity where everyone feels connected. People who live, work and visit
here appreciate its rich heritage, delight in its places of business and feel the heartbeat of Vidalia-Toombs County's future.
* Planned economic development, historic preservation and promotional efforts help to develop and promote growth and bring prosperity to our community and participation of its members.
* To increase harmony and unity in downtown Vidalia and beyond, by utilizing resources offered by State & National's 4-Point Approach. We recognize that downtown Vidalia is the key to preserving "our heritage" and that it serves as the concerted, organized voice for accomplishing special goals for the betterment of our community; Downtown Vidalia "Main Street" Association is your hub to tap into this valuable partnership.
Vidalia was designated as a Main Street City in 1989, and a National Main Street City in 2003, through the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Department of Community Affairs Office of Downtown Development. Vidalia Main Street has maintained the status through a 10-point criteria annual assessment.
Vidalia is one of 115 Main Street Cities in Georgia, designated as a GEORGIA CLASSIC MAIN STREET CITY, A STATE & NATIONAL designation.
Visit our website: https://downtownvidalia.org/