As our mission statement suggests, the Vidalia Police Department is dedicated to building community partnerships with residents, business owners and those that visit the Sweet Onion City. "Taking it to the Streets" is our umbrella community outreach program. Within this program, there are several sub-programs that allow for opportunities to build relationships and community trust. The programs are designed to encourage conversation, education and participation. Additionally, crime prevention is best achieved by partnerships between the community and the police department. We want you to interact with your police department, know your police department, and trust your police department. These are some of the ways we are embracing this philosophy:

The Vidalia Police RIDE-ALONG PROGRAM encourages community involvement in the law enforcement process and allows interested citizens to ride as passenger observers with patrol officers. The primary purpose of the RIDE-ALONG PROGRAM is to provide citizens of Vidalia the opportunity to see firsthand the day-to-day workings of law enforcement. By riding along with patrol officers, citizens get to build one-on-one relationships with the officers serving their city. The program fosters a better understanding of the challenges, hazards and rewards of the police officer’s role in the community.
The RIDE-ALONG PROGRAM is open to residents of the City of Vidalia who are 18 years of age or older. Exceptions may be made for younger residents on a case-by-case basis for programs such as school career shadow days, etc.
Download, read, and complete the ride-along packet at the bottom of the page. This packet contains the program rules and guidelines, waiver and release of liability, and parental consent form if applicable. This packet can also be picked up at the police department front desk Monday-Friday from 8AM to 5PM. Once completed, please return the packet to Captain Randy Clark, Patrol Services Division Commander.

The Vidalia Police Department Citizen's Police Academy (CPA) is an 11-week course of instruction designed to provide the public with a working knowledge of the department's personnel, functions of individual divisions and how they work together, policies and other job specific practices. The CPA is taught a various times throughout the year, and meets once a week, usually in evenings. The classes will cover basic knowledge, skills and abilities required of officers and the resources they use to perform their work in many different assignments and work groups. The instruction is not designed to be comprehensive of the entire policing discipline.
Topics of instruction include Administrative Services, Patrol Services, and Investigative Services; Crime Prevention; CrimeStoppers; The Court System; Police and the Media; Juvenile Law; Ethics and Cultural Diversity; Recruiting and Hiring; Elderly Abuse; and Domestic Violence.
Participants will also tour the police department, train on the firearm and driving simulators, and participate in ride-alongs.
The Citizen's Police Academy is open to all residents who are at least a Junior in High School.
When a Citizen's Police Academy is scheduled, notice will be placed on our Facebook page and on our website. If you are interested in participating, please download and complete the application at the bottom of the page. The application can also be picked up at the police department front desk Monday-Friday from 8AM to 5PM. Once completed, please return the packet to Captain James Jermon, Administrative Services Division Commander.

The Women's Firearm Safety Course is a free, in-depth course available to women in the City of Vidalia and surrounding areas. The course consist of three Saturdays, for 4-hours each day. The first day of instruction is classroom instructional time, withe the second and third day of instruction taking place on the range with live fire. The course will provide women with instruction on nomenclature, retention, operation and legal requirements. This course is limited to 8-10 students per course. We will offer courses based on interest and availability.
Students must be age 21 or older and have a valid gun permit. Additionally, students must supply their own firearm and at least 50 rounds of ammunition.
Signing up for the course is easy! simply Download the Women's Firearm Safety Course Application and Waiver from the bottom of the page. The application can also be picked up at the police department front desk Monday-Friday from 8AM to 5PM. Once completed, please return the application to the police department front desk.

The idea of starting the Vidalia Police Department "A Cop at your Stop" program came from the Pembroke Georgia Police Department. The concept of this program is simple: Officers with the department randomly show up at various City of Vidalia School bus stops, and build relationships with the youth in the community. This includes providing afternoon snacks, talking to the children about their grades, sports, etc. The youth in our community are the future of Vidalia, and we must invest time and energy into building meaningful relationships with them.

Coffee with a Cop events take place a various times throughout the year at local restaurants and coffee shops. These events allow residents to meet at neutral locations, and provide the opportunity for real conversations about issues that matter. Residents can ask questions or share what’s on their mind. Coffee with a Cop events allow citizens and police officers time to get to know each other and discover mutual goals for the City of Vidalia. Coffee with a Cop events will be announced by the department through social media.

The Vidalia Police Department has partnered with CVS Pharmacy® and The Partnership™ at Drugfree.org to make disposal of old or unused medications easier for our residents. We have placed a collection box in the lobby of the Municipal Annex in an effort to provide a safe, convenient and responsible means of disposing of medications, including controlled substances, that may lead to addictions or contaminate water supplies. You can now drop off your unused or expired medications in the front lobby of the Vidalia Police Department.
The Medication Collection Box is accessible 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. The success of this program depends on proper use. Here is a list of items that can and cannot be accepted:
- Prescriptions
- Prescription Medications
- Prescription Ointments
- Prescription Patches
- Over-the-Counter Medications
- Vitamins
- Samples
- Medications for pets
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Inhalers
- Aerosol Cans
- Ointments, Lotions, or Liquids
- Medication from Businesses or Clinics
- Needles or other Sharps
- Thermometers

Meeting residents where they are, whether it be on their front porches, in their parks and playgrounds, or in the streets of their neighborhoods, is the foundational mindset of the "Taking it to the Streets" program. The police department will be sponsoring small neighborhood events throughout the year which are all geared towards building relationships and taking pride in the community we serve. We will be hosting neighborhood cookouts, clean up events, walks, and meetings. If you are interested in taking part in these events, please contact the Administrative Services Division.