City of Vidalia Code of Ordinances allows for motorized carts to be operated within the city only after the owner has completed a registration process. It shall be the duty of every owner of a motorized cart that is operated on public roads, recreational paths, rights-of-way or other public property in the jurisdiction of the city to register the motorized cart with the city within ten (10) days of the date of purchase/acquisition.
Registration with the city shall include a record of the model, make and vehicle identification number or serial number on such motorized cart, the name and address of the owner, a contact phone number, and any other such information as the city shall require, all of which shall be maintained at city hall.
Upon registration, a numerical decal will be issued to the cart owner to be applied to a conspicuous place on such cart so as to be plainly visible. This decal issued shall be nontransferable from the cart for which it is issued.
A motorized cart is defined by ordinance as every motor vehicle having not less than three (3) wheels and an unladen weight of one thousand three hundred (1,300) pounds or less, and which cannot operate at more than twenty (20) miles per hour, and designed to carry no more than the recommended manufacturing seating capacity, and shall be consistent with the definition as set forth in O.C.G.A. § 40-1-1(32). This includes golf carts and similar types of self-propelled vehicles.
The owner or operator of a motorized cart is liable for his or her own actions. Any person who operates or owns a motorized cart is responsible for procuring liability insurance in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per person for bodily injury, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per accident for bodily injury to one (1) or more people, and twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per accident for property damage. Proof of insurance coverage must be provided at the time of registration and maintained on the motorized cart at all times.
- Motorized carts may only be operated on public roads, recreational paths, rights-of-way or other public property which are part of the city's street system which have a speed limit of twenty-five (25) miles per hour or less.
- Motorized carts cannot be operated within any commercial district of the city or on any street with a posted speed limit above twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
- The operator of a motorized cart must possess a valid Georgia driver's license.
- Motorized cart must be equipped with functional headlights and taillights.
- Motorized carts must also be equipped with a flashing or rotating yellow or amber light mounted on the top.
- Motorized carts must have affixed thereto an emblem as required by O.C.G.A. § 40-8-4.
- Motorized carts shall not be operated on public roads, recreational paths or rights-of-way of the city between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
- All occupants of a motorized cart must wear seatbelts at all times, if available.
- Motorized carts shall not be operated on the sidewalks.
- Restrictions placed upon licensed motorists shall apply in the same manner as if operating a motor vehicle.
- The maximum occupancy of a motorized cart traveling on public roads, recreational paths, rights-of-way or other public property shall be one (1) person per designated seat.
- All operators of motorized carts shall abide by all traffic regulations applicable to vehicular traffic when using the designated public roads, recreational paths, rights-of-way or other public property of the city.
To register your motorized cart with the City of Vidalia, please download and complete the registration form at the bottom of the page. Printed copies of the form are also available at the Vidalia Police Department. Please return the completed form in person to:
Madge Collins, Administrative Assistant
Vidalia Police Department
302 First Street East
Vidalia, GA 30474
The registration fee is $15.00 and due at the time of registration. Each cart is required to be registered annually by January 1 of each year.